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How to become successful in life with 4 timeless essentials

Discover how to become successful in life no matter what with four simple and powerful essentials you can apply to any achievement or dream.

Why are you still stuck? You’ve done the work, after all.

You’ve tried so many masterminds and courses….

They all helped a little, but they were really vague and impractical. None of them broke down the core essentials on how to become successful in life, regardless of career or path.

In this post, you’ll learn the four timeless essentials on how to become successful in life shown in a specific and practical way.

Dissect your identity

The first key to becoming successful in life is honesty about your identity. All the guilt, shame, and limiting beliefs that are keeping you down will have to be shed for you to step into your true power. This is crucial because without it, you will never achieve anything that truly satisfies you.

Most people are living within the shadow of others' beliefs. Their entire lives are based on believing what they “should” be doing and they do very little that is authentic to them. Because of this, their life feels like a boring and unsatisfying show they can’t stop watching.

When you constantly hold yourself back from your calling, you create limiting beliefs and thought patterns. These are so powerful that even when you come to your senses you are still faced with those old cycles of self-oppression.

The way to combat this is to be honest about your past and who you are now. You do this by realizing that you are not your past. Those things might have happened to you, but they were not your identity, then or now. By realizing that those thought patterns and limiting beliefs from the past are not who you are, you can finally let them go and step into your future. After doing this in the future, you will have a clean slate to build your future.

Desire without judgment

Desire is not the enemy. Desire is the railroad track for the train of your success. The ability to choose without shame or guilt will make achieving anything you want in life easier. All of a sudden you will be able to act faster and more efficiently.

As a child, you were taught that it was bad to want things. Then, in adult life, social constructs make you internalize this as your identity. From there, you internally began to criticize yourself and talk yourself out of your desires, ideas, and needs. Essentially, you shamed yourself for wanting more… which made you never go all-in to achieve it.

A great way to combat this is to write down what you want, along with five reasons you deserve it. Do this every day, or twice a day if you can. This works because once you realize that you deserve to have what you want, the judgment will be removed. Once this judgment is removed, you will be able to act with no problem.

Undying faith and hope

Napoleon Hill said that “faith is the head chemist of the mind.” What does that mean? That means that faith is the tunnel that achievements are birthed from. It is a vibrational state of knowing that success and achievement are already yours. Law of Attraction, people call this “living in the end.” This is important because faith will help you make a stand and power all the work necessary for success.

We are not taught faith properly in our society. We are taught hope, but hope without faith breeds passivity and a lack of initiative. A lot of people hope they will become successful in life, but they do not have the faith that things will work out in their favor. Because of this, they never stand up, make a stand, and act toward their dream.

The method to develop faith mentioned in “Think and Grow Rich” is autosuggestion. In the book, there is a specific passage for this process, but here I will cover the way it works and a short snippet. Autosuggestion is like affirmations, but centered on the “I Am” you will be at the end of the endeavor. There aren’t many specifics about the achievement itself, just who you will be at the end of the achievement.

Here is a powerful part of the statement from the book:

“I know that I can achieve the object of my definite purpose in life. Therefore, I demand of myself persistent, continuous action toward its attainment, and I here and now promise to render such action.”

Flexible mindset

I’m sure you know that skyscrapers are intentionally built with flexibility so they can sway with the high winds and not snap or break. The lesson from that is to be flexible. This is important because, although life is full of good and bad possibilities, you cannot allow any of them to derail your success.

You know well that life happens and some things are out of your control. Some people use this as an excuse to give up on their dreams when things don’t happen exactly how they want. They get discouraged and decide the universe was “against them.”

You’re better than that, though. Being flexible means that you have to be willing to get back on track when you are knocked off or faced with failure. You have to stick with your vision and your plan, even when the odds seem not in your favor, or if things change suddenly.

A great way to be flexible is to internalize that success is who you are. This is different from the previous exercises, where success is ingrained as a function of your identity. That works phenomenally well, but another level of power is unlocked once success becomes your identity. No obstacle, setback, failure, or inconvenience will ever keep you from getting what you want when you get this down.


Living your dream life should be as natural as breathing.

It is a natural part of universal law to get what you want and achieve your goals.

If you reframe your mind with the four steps above, you will be able to become successful in life whatever your path is.


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