3 game-changers for being sensitive, but not being fragile
Allow your empathy to become a superpower and truly help others with these three game changers to for being sensitive, but not fragile.
It’s not a crime to care about others.
Respecting others is not a weakness.
Wanting to be there for people is not childish.
You are demonized for wanting a world where everyone feels loved, cared for, and appreciated.
It burns you up that people can be so ignorant and selfish. To combat this, you become an example of what you think people should be like. But you do it from the wrong mindset.
You try to bear everyone’s burden so that they can feel better.
This is a recipe disaster. Bearing other's burdens will not solve their problems if they are attached to the mindset causing it.
After absorbing the bad emotions from others and feeling like a failure because they don't feel any better, you begin to think less of yourself. This makes you seem weak, soft, or hypersensitive to others.
You and I know that's bullshit. But there is a better option.
Think about this:
Your strength to bear others' burdens makes you overqualified to do the same for yourself.
Believing and caring for yourself is the key to being in your power while still being sensitive to others' feelings and desires. You will finally help people the right way without punishing yourself. This self-value will construct a meaningful but healthy relationship between your inner self and the outside world. Your empathy and receptivity to what others need will be magnified because you can stay true to yourself.
In this post, we will cover three practical and effective ways to be sensitive to others without being fragile.
Value our own opinion above others
The first way is to value your opinion more than anyone else’s. If you do not do this and allow other people’s opinions to have meaning, you will be putting yourself in a cage of obligations. Being in this cage of obligations will hurt you and put you in a state of fear, making you overly sensitive to criticisms and opinions from anyone else.
From youth, you were subconsciously told that the unspoken rules of society are the guidelines you must follow. You were taught the rules were non-negotiable and that not following would make you alone and unhappy. By you limiting yourself at an early age, you became internally annoyed and on edge all the time. You weren’t accepting yourself as you were, so whenever others said anything to you, it was the last straw. Ignorant people called you call you fragile and sensitive, but they didn’t know how hard you were trying already. This continues to happen every day in the adult world. By valuing your own opinion above others, you can exit the roller coaster of people-pleasing and emotional turmoil.
A practical way to start valuing your own option above others is to write down five nice words that describe you, and then 5 reasons why. Do this every morning and evening for 21 days. Over time you will begin to grow your confidence, and when others treat you badly, you will know better and not let it affect you. Also if someone is abusing you continuously, you will gain the courage to know that you deserve better.
Others don’t have your awareness
It’s a hard fact to face…. but everyone is not you. A lot of people do not have the capacity to care about the wellbeing of others; they only see things from their perspective. Also, keep in mind that people “don’t know what they don’t know.” As their opposite, your superpower is to hold forgiveness and space for these people when they act rash, selfish, or ignorant towards others. You can just brush it off because they don’t know any better.
How others feel really does matter to you. You’re always doing everything within your power to help someone feel better or have a better chance. When people act without caring about others, it triggers and disturbs you. This is understandable, but you have to look at the person and begin asking questions. Are they connected to others the way you are? Are they in pain and emotionally unavailable? In most cases, you will see that the answer to both of these questions is no. With this knowledge, you can hold them responsible, but forgive them because they don’t know the harm they are causing.
A practical exercise to help this is to think of three to five things you regularly do to help others feel more comfortable. Observe the “insensitive people” and see if they do similar things. Realize that how they interact with others is a direct view of how they interact with themselves and have compassion. With this in mind, you will be able to conclude whether these people have your awareness of others or not. If they do not, forgive them because they honestly don’t know. If they do, still forgive them because they are shutting themselves off and are in pain.
Willingness to be neutral
The next way to be sensitive, but not fragile is to be neutral about most things in life. This means not let things affect you. If you decide you want to feel good, you don’t allow that to change no matter what. You’re not ignoring people, or circumstances, you’re just deciding that its presence is not going to make you feel bad. Why does that matter? Because feeling bad permanently does not help anyone, especially not you. Being neutral is the only way that you can feel good, stay in your power, and make better choices for yourself.
As a sovereign being, you can observe your thoughts and feelings as they happen. If you paid attention, you would see your daily habits and thoughts pass in front of you like a car. The fact that you can do this shows that you are separate from these and that you have a choice whether or not they affect you. When the observing part of yourself decides something, it has the power to override any other feelings or obsessive thoughts in opposition to it. Deciding for neutrality towards what does not make you feel good, is the best way to stop becoming affected by others' energy.
From the power of your neutrality, you will be able to think clearly. Thinking clearly will allow you to consider others' feelings, wants, and desires from a place of reason and perspective. You will be able to better serve everyone's needs and your own comfort. Having neutrality will put everything in balance so you can create for a win, win situations for everyone. Your superpower of empathy will be multiplied.
The best way to start this is to meditate 5-10 minutes in the morning, and then make an internal decision to feel good the rest of the day. After making that decision, throughout the day observe things that oppose this without internalizing them. With a clear mind, set forth to solve the problem or remove them from your experience entirely. Once you do this a couple of times, this power will change every area of your life and drive you towards a life and relationships that you love.
You are a superhero.
Caring about others makes you the perfect leader.
You’re the perfect entrepreneur.
You’re the perfect parent.
But if you do not stand in your power, you can easily become a doormat.
Using the tips above will help you to use your sensitivity as a powerful asset.
It's time for your to transform from a fragile and hypersensitive person to a passionate and community-oriented powerhouse.