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Three keys you need to accept the unknown during chaos

Three pieces of wisdom to help you take your power back, have hope, and manage anxiety despite the chaos of the unknown.

We’ve been jerked around a lot this year.

Not to mention that we millennials have been through so much sh** already.

Every person is constantly telling us their “truth” and that they know the future….. But do they?


It is natural for us to want to try to know the future and prepare. But since you cannot know for sure, you do everything within your power and hope for the best for everything else.

You would be surprised how many people cannot do that. The level of bravery is too much for most people to bear.

But I know you’re better than that. You have the courage and strength to do this.

In this post, I will cover three ways you can accept the unknown during the chaos to function and thrive no matter what.

1) Realize that you control your reaction

How you react to things is your choice alone. Yes, things and people might push you to react in a certain way, but you hold the final key. This gives you an extraordinary amount of power. Your choices regarding what happens to you can benefit, or hurt you in the long run. Even though you don’t know the future, you are not a victim of circumstance.

The mentality that life is happening “to you” is false because you choose the direction you go from a situation. By consistently making decisions that are best for you long term, you are still the master of your fate. It might be hard at first, but over time you will develop confidence that your decisions are the right ones.

To maintain neutrality and a clear head, you can use a standard set of questions to help digest information and make valid choices consistently.

Three questions to help:

Who is saying this? Are they using logic and valid source information?

What do I think about this personally?

What do I feel about this long term?

Is this something that will affect my future? Why, or why not?

2) Be determined to overcome

With your power of choice, you have to believe that you will overcome anything. There is a possibility of bad things, but you cannot get caught up in it. The anxiety will drown your mood and make you scared and dressed.

To stop the fear of the unknown, you have to accept that even in the worst-case scenario you will be ok. Also, there is no reason to fear what hasn’t happened. Easier said than done I know.

Knowing that you can and will overcome any obstacle is the building block to any type of vision or goal for your life. Without this basic principle, you won’t have a vision of well-being to draw on for strength during dark times. Having this in your heart principle is the only way you can have consistent hope and confidence things will get better.

By accepting that you are determined to live no matter what, you finally become free. No longer will you be running from everything. You will be able to make decisions with a clear head instead of out of fear. It is ok to be informed and plan accordingly, but don’t let it affect your inner joy and hope.

Phrase to remember:

“Everything is always working out for me.”

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I got lots more advice, training, and events for us Millennials to slay and live fearlessly.

3) Regular stress management activities

You are a human and are destined to feel all emotions. It is perfectly normal to have fear, anxiety, and overwhelm with everything going on. Sometimes we all need stress management techniques to help us not get trapped in destructive negative thought patterns.

My favorites are:

Diaphragmatic Breathing- This works immediately no matter what. By taking the time to breathe deeper and slower, your brain and body will stop its fight-or-flight anxiety response. Your body will return to calmness and you’ll think clearer again.

Do this by taking 4 mouth breaths with 4 counts inhales, 4 counts with air in lungs, 4 counts exhale each, and 4 counts without air in lungs. This is called Square breaking. It will make a world of difference.

Coloring books- This is actually a form of meditation. It works because it gently takes the attention off the issue, it relaxes brain waves, and there is no right or wrong. By doing this you will stop anxiety and panic attacks and be able to relax your mind.

My personal favorite is Mandala coloring books. You can find them at Dollar Tree.

Meditation- This works because it encourages emotional health, more mental clarity, and encourages self-awareness. By doing this you will be able to exit sad thought patterns way faster and come up with a solution or next step.

My recommendation for beginners has guided meditations or breathing-centered meditations. This is so the person does not get bored, and stays engaged in the relaxation process.

Guided meditations you can find on Youtube for whatever you want.

Breathing meditations are basically a version of the diaphragmatic breathing technique extended out over 10-15 minutes. There are different kinds, but the one above is the easiest; it’s called Square Breathing.

Going on a walk- This works because walking lowers your blood pressure, puts you in a better mood, exposes you to nature, and gets your mind off the same old things.


Everyone gets a little shaken up sometimes, but using the keys above you will be able to help yourself when you have moments of extreme anxiety.

You can also give these keys to others when you see they are suffering from not knowing what the future holds.

With the proper mindset and determination for hope, you can see all the unknown and still face the future boldly. Know that you will be ok no matter what.

Your confidence and unwavering hope will shine a light in the darkness. You will help so many people without even realizing it.

Be the way-shower you were always meant to be.

Training, Summits, Cheat Codes, and kind words to cut through outdated BS.

Flourish as the millennial you are here.


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