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What your issue with authority means and how to fix it

Uncover what your issue with authority means and three practical and empowering ways to fix it fast.

No one likes to be ordered around.

Not only is it annoying as hell, but it is hurtful and demeaning.

This is a normal reaction, but taking orders is a natural part of life, just like leading is. Everyone has to do both to live a balanced and happy life.

Sometimes it goes in a bad direction though. Authority figures can transform from a natural thing to a source of frustration, anger, and endless pain.

This can happen if our supervisor at our job is petty, micromanaging, and overly demanding. Or it can happen if a parent or loved one is always pushing you toward something unnatural or disempowering for you. This resentment grows into a wound against any authority figure in life.


You don’t need them to stop to make you feel better. You just have to internally shift and move on.

An issue with authority is understandable, but if you don’t get it under control it will run you and your life out of control. Your blind pain and anger can block you from taking responsibility and power in your life. This can make you stuck and unhappy for many years.

This post will cover the real reasons you have an issue with authority and how to fix it.

1) You feel you have no choice

One reason you have an issue with authority is that you feel like you don’t have any choice. It almost feels like they are steading your freedom and enslaving you. It’s not about them, it’s about you having control over your direction.

This stems from a feeling that you have no choice in life. You might be hopeless and lost as to how to take control and responsibility for your life. Their orders are the icing on the cake threatening to snuff out who you are.

A way to combat this is to begin making decisions by yourself. You can begin by making small decisions such as how to spend your personal time or what to cook for dinner despite what your family thinks. By doing this you are proving to yourself internally that you are a being who is in control of their life.

Not only will your issues with authority lessen, but you will also begin to make better choices all over your life. Over time you will find yourself building a life with more happiness, less stress, and the freedom you desire.

2) You haven’t achieved self-mastery

Another reason you have an issue with authority is that you have not achieved self-mastery. Because you feel like you aren’t your best, other people’s micromanaging is painful, annoying, and hurtful. This is annoying but it is less about them, and more about you feeling disempowered and unworthy.

Society has groomed you against self-mastery because it is the ultimate form of internal empowerment. Without self-mastery, you’ll have decreased self-esteem, reduced productivity, mind fog, and emotional overwhelm. You don’t have faith in your talents and abilities in life and others micromanaging you is like pressing on an open wound.

The way to fix this is to commit to excellence in every area of your life. You do this by disciplining yourself, but not the way you think. Disciplining yourself here would mean that you just hold yourself to the standard of your inner morals and values. From this confidence, you will think of yourself and the best and you won’t accept anything less. You will begin to have faith in all your abilities without external validation.

Self-Mastery is not just for issues with authority, but also for creating a mindset to succeed in life. With this secret weapon, your life shifts from the one you hate to the one you are proud of. As your confidence and mental abilities grow, you will accomplish things you never thought you could at a rapid speed.

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3) You’re not where you’re supposed to be

The next reason you have issues with authority is that you know you’re not supposed to be there anyway. Internally you know your value, but you are stuck behind limiting beliefs and social constructs. This stuckness keeps you from moving forward even though you know that job is beneath your value. It once again is not about them, but more about guilt within yourself.

Before you wallow in guilt, just know that the odds were stacked against you. The social ideas you were given were meant to keep you in its assembly line of life. That path had little fulfillment or personal empowerment, but it showed itself to be “reliable” and “safe.” Most of you chose that path out of your own fear, or your parent’s fear.

The only way to fix this is to take action. You may not get there immediately, but taking action to where you want to be is the only way you get unstuck and stop living in a guilt cycle. Taking action will loosen the grip of the pain and limiting beliefs you’re experiencing. Authority figures will no longer bother you because you will be internally empowered. No longer will you be squabbling to survive, but you will be empowered and on the path to your destiny.

Once you build momentum, you will raise your value and transform your life into the one you were meant to have. Instead of a hurtful cycle of anxiety, you will have the determination and commitment to taking consistent and appropriate actions to achieve your goals.


Healing the issues you have with authority will give you the freedom to let go of pain and become your best self. It is not about submitting to someone else, it is about knowing where your true power lies and drawing from there.

The above reasons and remedies will give you the clarity that you need to stop running from your wounds associated with people with “power.” With this clarity, you will be able to not take it personally and not let it affect your internal value and self-worth.

Making decisions on your own will stop you from feeling hopeless and weak.

Self-mastery will stop your disempowerment and help you gain discipline and confidence.

Taking action will loosen you from your rut and get you moving forward.

Break the chains of anger and step into your power.

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